Friday 30 May 2014

today is the day.... yikes.

IT is finally here. 

That long awaited, much anticipated, slightly dreaded day.... departure day. 

Tonight, with 15kg on my back, I will set out from Brisbane airport to travel for approx. 25 hours until I land in London.  


But to take it to a serious note, a week ago I was feeling pretty nervous about this trip.  Leaving my beloved family and friends to go to a place where I literally know NO ONE, seemed pretty stupid, and also, dangerous. But then I realized that my travel wasn't stupid, I was being stupid.  I know for a fact that God is massive, which means that he fills every corner of the globe, and there is nowhere that I can go to escape the reach of his hand.  Having this knowledge pretty much obliterated the fear that was consuming me.  I mean if you were going travelling and you had access to the best security group ever, with a personal bodyguard who not only is all knowledgeable, has power in every situation and with every person, but who loves you with a burning passionate love and has that as motivation to protect you, you would feel pretty secure.  And that I do. God has his angels covering me, ministering to me and he himself is in control.  Think of that and... BAM... the fear is gone. What can mortal man do to me? A lot to be honest... but my soul and life is in the control of my Father, therefore whatever they do, the situation is never outside of his hand and eye on me. So I will go... I will have fun... I will probably be challenged... and I will grow in trust and faith in God my creator.  

P.S. I've added a page to this blog. If any of you lovely folk want to pray for me to ensure things (e.g. sunscreen, Europeans, proposals) don't happen, pop over there to see what specifically I would appreciate prayer for.  Thanks and thanks again! 

Ta ta for now! 

Erin xoxo

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