L'abri England

Hi friends and people!

I am currently writing from the Manor House in Greatham, England where it is really quiet due to a world cup game happening at the pub! So I have some internet time and thought I probably should update my blog, at least once while I'm here!

L'abri. It's a really hard place to explain. For those of you who I haven't talked to about it L'abri is place set up by Francis Schafer as a place for people to gather together in a safe environment and talk about truth, life and then to live truth and life by living in a community.  Every day consists of have breakfast together, a period of work and a period of study, a discussion lunch and then dinner together. Scattered within this is two tea breaks with more tea than I ever thought existed, volleyball games, Norwegian card games, walks to the pub for free wifi, church, silent lunch, book clubs, and one on one meeting with a mentor! L'abri is a very international place where I have met people from everywhere: America, South Africa, Norway, Lithuania, Russia, Belarus, Brazil, England, Korea, Australia (represent!) and other places that I have suddenly forgot. Games become hilarious when your definitions for "pip" range from the sound that birds make to a seed that lives in fruit. 

One of my favorite things about L'abri is morning times where Daniel (our Viking) tells the kids a story. These stories include talking trees, giant pigs, explanations why there are no fat Norwegians (they all became skinny by crushing nuts), and a duck that married an ugly snake. 

To get serious for a second *cue dimmed lighting and soft music*, the things I have been learning about God and about myself have been challenging, frightening and encouraging in a huge ball of emotion and thought. This place is such a boiling pot for change and reflection about life (at the risk of sounding monastic). I have been challenged again and again about where my value lies; whether it be in man's opinion or God's. This seems like such a no brainer but when you boil down your interactions and your motivations it is shocking to see the root. I would love to portray L'abri as a wonderful perfect peaceful place where I feel joy all the time and display all the fruits of the spirit like a good Christian girl, however this is something I am unable to do. It has been hard, lonely at times, and painful as I see the sinful self that I've been so effective at hiding. 

However England has been showing off to me, with beautiful weather every single day I have been here! And I've had the wonderful experience of seeing Brighton (which pales compares to Australian beaches), and literally roaming the English countryside for hours. The sun doesn't set until 10pm here which means the days are long and full! We can head out to the pub in broad daylight at 9pm! 

I am sure that there is tons more that I could share, but time runs short! I'll hopefully post again soon. 

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