Monday 2 June 2014

I'm here, and I'm hungry...

So I got here alive! Erin-1 England-0

It is a curious thing travelling miles and miles away from home. It shows you exactly what you put your trust and dependance in. For me it was in my family, and being totally alone in a massive city throws you into a state of dependance onto God. I am heading out to Greatham today where I will have limited access to internet and therefore limited communication with both them and my closest friends. Another test of trust.

To date the funniest things that have happened to me:

Falling asleep for 15 mins on my flight to Taipei and waking up to find that I have lost my inflatable travel pillow. Look around in the darkness and see a shadow in the isle 5 rows down. Yup there it is! Sneakily pick it up on my way to the bathroom and no one any the wiser! Such. A. Ninja. 

All my love and blessings!

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