Thursday 3 July 2014

Something a little more personal...

So I thought I might post this even though it's a little more serious and personal than I have posted previously. I was looking back over things that I wrote while at L'abri (withdrawal symptoms) and I found this which captures what a lot of my struggles came down to at L'abri. 


Shame, why do you taunt me so? You call my name at every corner, every aspect of my personality, you cast shadows over my mind. You force my eyes downward to hide the glory of Grace, you encourage my heart to wither. In your presence all sense of worth vanishes, courage and hope become phantoms in my head, whispers of things now gone, doubts that they were ever there. You are a plague that infects every member of me. My hands behave so strangely, my mind is clouded and foggy, my spirit trembles and cowers. Shame, you tell me of your victory in the war still raging on, you tell me that surrender can be my only option. 

But you are wrong. 

There is a stronger power, a grace whose name is love, a victor in this war torn heart, a shelter in the storm. Shame have you not met him, this warrior of peace? You tried so hard to master him but he has the victory. For yes you won the battle but the war has already been won, on a tree where great and awesome power met true humility. Naked, bleeding, dying, displayed for all to see. Love wore my shame so that I, could finally be free. 

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