Wednesday 16 July 2014

The benefits being a girl while traveling:

Hey friends! Tonight I am blogging from a room in Rome full from a dinner of gnocchi and camera full of pictures of the colosseum. But you will have to hear about it another day as I still have to catch you up on both L'Isle sur la Sorgue and Barcelona.

So L'Isle sur la Sorgue.... Amazing. Another place that is out of the way and yet stunningly beautiful! L'Isle sur la Sorgue is in the Provence region in France and it is the "island" of the Sorgue  river. The river runs throughout the town and lanes with water wheels swirling around. We actually stayed in an artists house that had a functional water-wheel out the front. 

I actually felt a little nervous while on the train to L'Isle sur la Sorgue as we were passing all these run down looking towns, and I knew that L'Isle sur la Sorgue wasn't a huge tourist attraction. Also on the train were two French guys who kept looking over at Amelia and I and laughing and making comments in French. Unfortunately for them their beautiful pick up lines were wasted on us who do not understand the language of love. Breaking hearts again. We actually ran into these guys again when they spotted us as we were walking through town. One yelled out the window of the house he was in and Amelia, not understanding French, assumed he was yelling at someone else an ignored him. Me, I was trying hard not to make eye contact and giggle. 

To return to my original point; L'Isle sur la Sorgue did not disappoint at all. Beautiful water ways, sunflower fields, and springs were only some of the attractions! We finally had our first real summer days as well! 

The first afternoon there we wandered around town looking at all the lovely shops and marveling at the crystal clear water of the river. We eventually had to find dinner (most places didn't open until 7) and we ended up having Italian food! This was then followed by pizza the next night due the copious amounts of Italian restaurants. But to redeem ourselves in regards to cusine, we did eat a lot of pastries from patisseries. 

The following day was I think one of Amelia's favourite days! We decided that we were going to walk out to Fountaine-de- Vacluse which was a small town about 5-6km away that possessed the source of the Sorgue, a spring from the mountains. We had resigned ourselves to not seeing any lavender or sunflower fields as it was just too hard without a car but we embarked on our adventure with cheery hearts! 

We had walked just out of town when Amelia starts behaving like a kid who has just been given the keys to a lollie shop, or an adult who has just seen sunflower fields! There they were, in their glorious splendor, fields and fields of them. Of course we frolicked through them, took copious amounts of photos and basked in the beauty of creation! We sadly had to  move on with our walk after a while. Along our walk we stumbled across a vineyard in which we frolicked and took pictures. It was a beautifully warm day with the wind blowing a gale we were unaware of the sun and it's burning rays! 

Nonetheless we continued all the way to the source stopping by the river to eat our lunch. By this time it is becoming apparent that Amelia's boots may have just given up the ghost. We have done so much walking that her boots were worn down both on the bottom of the boot but also in the inner soles. Poor Amelia had a boot staple sticking up into her foot. So in we limped to Fountaine-de-Vacluse. We saw the waterhole where the river originated, ate some icecream and a peach flavored licorice string before heading back home. Amelia made it home with her feet still relatively in tact but unfortunately the sun had it out for her and we saw in horror that her neck had got very burnt. 

Before we got home however we visited a certain shop in town that we had visited but hadn't bought anything the precious day. In this shop was an extremely attractive French gentleman whose smile may have made me melt a little, not going to lie. And now I have an announcement: I am moving to L'Isle sur la Sorgue! Just kidding but he was extremely lovely, made even better by the fact he have us a ridiculous amount of free stuff! Didn't even have to bat our eyelashes! So that is the reason why sometimes traveling as two single girls works perfectly. 

With that and with these picture I will say au revoir for the last time. Next up; Barcelona! 

 Church we found in the center of town.

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